ENRG Blanket


Made in USA

Looking to maximize your energy savings? The ENRG Blanket is an earth-friendly, forward-thinking product that will reduce heating bills and maximize HVAC efficiency.

The ENRG Blanket encloses a natural, nontoxic and noncorrosive phase change material, BioPCM®, between two rugged, multilayer films (polymer and /or aluminum). The resulting “blanket” is tear-resistant, long-lasting, and will maintain its thermal performance for more than 100 years. The ENRG Blanket may be installed over drop ceilings, inside walls and just beneath roofing.

Benefits include:

  • Reduction of HVAC power consumption by up to 25-35%
  • Reduction of HVAC run time by up to 15-20%
  • No power and no maintenance, thanks to BioPCM® material
  • Improved building comfort for occupants
  • Reduced carbon footprint as a result of less power consumed
  • Sustainably grown, plant-based product materials

J&P is a certified installer of the ENRG Blanket.

Contact us today for more information about how the ENRG Blanket can improve your facility’s energy efficiency.

  • Actively absorbs heat when room temperature exceeds the desired set point
  • Releases stored heat when room temperature drops below the desired set point
  • Easy to install above drop ceilings, behind sheet-rock, or under roofing in both retrofit or new construction applications