ATM Location and Rigging: Factors to Consider

June 2, 2020

When considering ATM location and rigging, there are many factors to consider; however, the most critical is placement. Determining the best location for your ATM is something that should be well thought out long before you place your order. And with COVID-19 here with us for the near future, there are even more considerations to make.

Here are several suggestions for preparing your ATM installation plan and deciding between a walk-up ATM, a drive-through ATM or an indoor kiosk.

Review Your Data for Maximum Usage

There’s not much point in an ATM that doesn’t get used regularly. An ATM that is overlooked or isn’t easily accessible doesn’t serve your customers well, and it doesn’t justify its cost. Review your ATM traffic at your locations to determine which ATMs your customers access the most. Look for patterns, and consider surveying your customers for more specific answers.

Customer Confidence

It’s been well documented and proven that the novel coronavirus is a much smaller threat outdoors than indoors. If you’re in the market for a new ATM, a drive-through or walk-up location will result in a safer experience for your customers and the workers who have to service it.


Lighting, accessibility and security are important. If you must locate your ATM in your branch’s entryway, is it going to put your customers at risk if someone attempts to rob or harm them? Is there adequate lighting? Will it be difficult to access for those using a cane or wheelchair?

CRT Screens

The ATM’s CRT screen is a tool you can use to remind your customers to wash their hands before and after using the ATM, and to inform them of your financial institution’s cleaning policies.

Cleaning Supplies

With the threat of COVID-19, can you add hand sanitizer or disinfecting wipes near your ATM for customers’ use? Simple steps, such as providing these items or even adding signage that explains how the ATM is cleaned and maintained, will help your customers feel that their safety is being protected.

Virtual Teller Machines

If you’d like to offer more services from your machine than just dispensing cash and accepting deposits, consider a virtual teller machine. Also called a personal teller machine, these machines may offer additional capabilities that a teller could provide, such as issuing cashier’s checks.

J&P is here to help. For expert advice and a customized evaluation of your location’s potential ATM installation areas, send us a message or give us a call at 262.346.8451.


